Saturday 1 November 2014

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

I am not completely sure how I feel after finishing this book.
I know nothing of Icelandic culture or it's history, so it was very interesting in this respect.
However, I can't help feeling horrified, extremely saddened and ashamed of so many aspects of human history and how we have treated ourselves and each other over time.
Peace is surely an illusion and current times seem only to magnify that.
Of course we have evolved but I wonder how much we have learnt.
History is fascinating yet so tainted with unnecessary cruelty and bloodshed.

It seems too easy that one person can decide someone's fate regardless of their innocence, though I guess it happens often enough.
These were hard and harsh times especially for women.
It is at least reassuring that Agnes Magnusdottir can finally be given a voice in a time where we are, I hope, more open minded.

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