Wednesday 3 August 2011

thoughts on style...and design homework!

the task is to observe a costume element you find appealing, while out and about and to photograph or sketch it.

What stands out?  what do i tend to pick up on?

Beauty in imperfection – a crooked nose, an unusual feature, any kind of beauty that doesn’t fit in with accepted perceptions, (what is that anyway?).

Eccentricities - general craziness helps, how do we visually display this?

Weirdness - we all have quirks, they are often wonderful!

All mixed up – sometimes getting it all wrong, makes it so right! Anything can go.

Hair styles and colour – I’ve had my fair share of ‘doos’ and am always fascinated by others. Red is a personal favourite, but it’s all good.

Painted skin, particularly words in different languages – makes me think of ‘The Pillow Book’, creates mystery and depth and history.

Shoes - they really can make or break, like a foul mouth or a cigarette.

                                                   girls on the train

i also sketched a girl with a pink streak in her hair, matching skirt and purple tights, mmm, lets compare ourselves to lollies!


I like that dorky feeling about snapping strangeness, even in approaching people…reminds me of my humanness, clumsiness, its grounding and humbling.

Being/feeling driven

Being firmly prodded has always been healthy and inspiring for me. It urges me on and helps me push myself that little bit further. Feeling part of a creative group is always enriching. Alone, all the ideas are there, it’s starting and maintaining a steady pace, despite daily distractions, which is challenging!

  • i figure we are mostly attracted to what we like ourselves, though there are exceptions!
  • in the past, i have frustratedd certain persons for not having an opinion about someones style choices...(if you are happy and feel good, makes no difference what i think.)
  • if we don't have the nerve to be who we are, then we're living a lie and losing a part of regrets and what ifs, life is for living!

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